Tuesday, December 4, 2012

IUD's and Abortion

 Anyone who knows me, knows that I am pro-life. I believe that life starts at conception. I am against abortion, I believe it is murder. Now, I'm not telling you all of this to get in a heated debate. I just found out some more information that was misleading to me when my doctor talked with me about the mirena. I was under the understanding that the mirena prevented pregnancy. Well that is not completely true. Here is information I read off of an attorny that is involved in the lawsuit against Bayer (the maker's of the mirena iud).
 "Finer refers to IUDs, including Mirena, as “contraceptive devices,” but IUDs act by aborting already conceived children, not by preventing their conception. An IUD is, in effect, a tiny abortion machine that prevents pregnancy by physically obstructing the normal process by which a tiny baby implants in the uterus of its mother.
Mirena, it is true, is more than just an IUD. It also contains a synthetic “hormone” called levonorgestrel that some months prevents ovulation. Even when what is called “breakthrough ovulation” occurs, the progestin sometimes still prevents conception by thickening the cervical mucus and preventing sperm from reaching the ovum. Still, when this doesn’t happen, a baby can be conceived and begin its 5 to 7 day journey down the Fallopian tube. But when it reaches the uterus itself it encounters the grim reaper in the guise of an IUD and its life is over. An early-term abortion occurs."
I am enraged by this!?!?! I was never told that it would abort my conceived children!?!?! Not ONCE!?!?! I believe this mirena is pure evil. If I was told upfront about this I would have NEVER gotten the mirena in the first place. Now I'm not going to be judgmental to those of you who think this is ok. My purpose of this post is to inform the woman who are like myself about this lie. Please, if you either think that woman should be told this and about ALL the side effects the mirena can cause, please go to Change.org, search for Petition-Bayer and sign the petition that Bayer tell women the truth about miren IUD birth control.  and share this information with other's.
This is so heartbreaking for me. Man have I been on a major roller coaster since learning about the truth of this awful device only four day's ago. Again I find myself in tears. Please pray for strength for me, that I don't completely break down because I am on the verge of it. During Bible study this week I read Psalm 16:5-6,11....."Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surley I have a delightful inheritance......You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." I pray that I am able to hold on to the fact that God does bless me in spite of this difficult time of suffering. That He makes all things work for His will. And that He is with me every step I take, He will never leave me alone.


  1. I did not know about this either, and that angers me more than the fact that it made my body fall apart. I should have done more research, but I never would have gotten it had I known this. It's definitely something that the doctors should discuss with their patients. Women have a right to know and to make that choice for themselves, rather than having it forced upon them. The idea that I could have gotten pregnant and unknowingly aborted a baby makes me sick.

  2. I found out about this two nights ago on a website and read the same paragraph you have above. I am sickened by it. Had I known that I would never of gotten the Paragard and then the Mirena. I had a total of 10 years of IUDs. 2 with the Paragard and 8 with the Mirena. I am Pro-Life and believe that LIFE begins at conception. I have not been able to process this information. When I got mine this information was not available as they really did not know how it worked. Well thats what the doctors told me. My mom had IUDs 40 years ago and they didn't know how they worked then either. I get that the abortion "feature" is the 3rd step in pregnancy prevention but still it is a step in prevention. I doubt they are telling women about this.

    Women MUST BE TOLD! They have a right to know what is happening in their bodies. Is this healthy?

  3. It is awful that you are undergoing this psychological stress due to the perceived action of the Mirena. Information from attorneys undergoing lawsuits with monetary incentives are probably not the best source of information! In fact, the scientific community is still not exactly sure of the Mirena's mechanism of action, but what a number of high quality studies have revealed is there a a few effects owing to Mirena's contraceptive action, that are:
    1. changes in cervical mucus that inhibit sperm transport (sperm cannot travel to meet egg)
    2. inflammatory changes of endometrium and fallopian tubes which have spermicidal effects and inhibit fertilisation and implantation (kills sperm, doesn't allow sperm to fertilise egg and implant)
    3. thinning and glandular atrophy of the endometrium, which inhibits implantation and
    4. direct ovicidal effects (direct egg killing)
    There is no scientific evidence that the mirena is an abortificaient (causes an early abortion) or disrupt an implanted pregnancy (actually there are rare cases of contraceptive failure where a pregnancy occurs due to implantation).
    All the best on your recovery journey.
