Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Blood test clotted

Well, my blood test I did last week clotted before it made it all the way to Pennsylvania for testing. So that means I have to do the test again. The good thing is that they are making a special test tube specifically for me(since I have factor 2/blood clotting disorder), the bad thing is it will take a week or two before it gets here. Then another week and half before it gets to them and tested. I'm so frustrated at myself. I should have mentioned my disorder to begin with. But I've taken a million blood tests over the past ten years and never had this happen before. But then again my tests have been done here in New Mexico. Since I had my mirena taken out last Thursday it will be out about two weeks when I do the test again. I have no doubt I will still have silicone in my system, but not as high with it in. I really wanted to have that information recorded for legal reasons. Praying that things will work out in my favor. Also worried about the cost, I was told it could be more since they have to make something special for me. Paying out of pocket is a little hard right now, but I know how important the test will be. I'll keep you updated when I have new information.
To top it all off I have been stuck in bed the last several hours. My stomach hurts so badly, and I'm so bloated I look at least seven months pregnant! My lower back and down my right leg is very achy today. I hope for a day when I can say all these things are behind me, but for now I continue to suffer in silence . Late last I also suffered a panic attack. I think I heard my husband come home(he gets home about midnight) and I woke up very frightened, my heart felt as though it would jump out my chest. Took my several minutes to realize where I was. I have had this happen before, waking up in a panic is terrifying. I'm looking forward to doing my detox, but have to hold off until the test is run!

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