Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Waking in pain

I guess you know it's going to be a bad day of pain when you are dreaming, and in that dream you are not able to get out of bed. You pull yourself up with tons of effort. Climb out of bed and find you can hardly walk, you need crotches to help you take even a few steps. Then I wake up to find my dream isn't just a dream, it reality. I can't tell you how many times I have had this happen to me. So many I have lost count. What I can tell you is that it doesn't get easier. Each time it's still the same effort. The same amount of pain. Im lying on my back and I can feel the pain in my hip and lower back, even before I'm awake. I sleep on the very edge of my bed. I can barley reach my arm over to the side of the mattress. I have to use both arms to pull my self over to my right side. It then takes ALL of my energy and mind power to swing my legs over the side of my bed and then onto the ground. This has been only a small part of the nightmare I have been living the past ten years. My biggest fear is that I will never have my life completely back. I'm afraid that the poison has taken on a life of its own. I pray that the mirena will be taken of the market soon. No one should have to live this way. For those of you woman who are going through the same thing, and reading my blog for the very first time, know are not alone, and no matter what anyone tells you it's not in your head. You are not going crazy. You and ONLY you know how your body should feel. And this is not normal. Keep fighting, keep faith and don't give up. And if your browsing sites and just happened to end up here on my blog, and you have the mirena, get that thing out know. That is the first step towards our healing. And if you have any questions I will help in the best way I can.

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