Saturday, December 8, 2012

More proof
Here is another article on silicon poisoning.  This article is talking about breast implants, but remeber silicone is what mirena is made of as well. Please try and read it all. there is a ton of information.

To me the thing that stood out the most, probably because since I was little I had issue's with cockroaches, I am terrified of them. I know this is a stupid fear, especially with all that I am going through now. Was this statement...."Silicone is a biologically active and toxicsubstance.
The basic gel implant fillerñDC 360 silicone fluidñwas once considered worth following upfor development by Dow Corning scientists as a potent insecticide, one of the few known substances capable of killing cockroaches."

Wow. Really? And yet there are people willingly allowing this substance to be put into our bodies. Under the notion that it is the BEST thing ever. How is that? Can anyone explain that to me.  Can I say that ever day my hatred towards bayer and the mirena is increasing? How in the world have I gotten myself into this? Please ladies, do your research. If you were thinking that mirena is the birth control for you....please don't get it. And if you have the mirena, take it  from someone who has suffered most of her adult life with all of these mirena side effects, ITS NOT WORTH IT. Get that thing out of you as soon as possible.

Now is here is a video about mirena and autoimmune disorders, and what our bodies are going through having this mirena in us.
Again ladies.....please, please, stay away from this horrible birth control. The doctor's are lying to you. It's not going to make your busy life easier. It is going to make it a living hell. Even woman who had no side effects for the whole five years with it, are having problem's after it is removed. I think video pretty much explains why.

Last link for today I promise. Here is a petition to the US food and drug administration. In this paragraph they are stating the symptom's patients are told about, then the symptom's the doctors know about that most our chossing to tell us about, and lastly the symptom's that are not being recorded.
"The patient information for the device contains warnings for the following side effects ONLY:
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, infection, embedment, perforation, discomfort during placement, expulsion, missed menstrual periods, changes in bleeding, ovarian cysts.
This is the only "adverse reaction" information the patient will typically receive.
 The following adverse reactions appear ONLY on the physician information for the Mirena (perthe official physician information):
abdominal/pelvic pain, vaginal discharge, nausea, headache, nervousness, vulvovaginitis, dysmerorrhea (cramps), back pain, weight increase, breast pain/tenderness, acne, decreased libido, depressed mood, cervicitis (vaginal infection), hypertension, migraine, vomiting, anemia, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), alopecia (hair loss), eczema, pruritus (itchiness), rash, urticaria (hives), abdominal distension, altered mood, hirsutism (abnormal hair growth), edema (swelling).
Although doctors are instructed to share this information with the patient, they often do not. In many cases, even when specifically asked, doctors are denying a possible link between Mirena and these symptoms. Patients are consistently told there are "no side effects," and that the synthetic hormone (levonorgestrel) contained in the mirena cannot be harmful because the hormone release is localized to the uterus.
In addition, Mirena users are reporting additional common side effects that are not documented in any of the Mirena information provided by the manufacturer.
These include, but are not limited to:
anxiety, mental fog, double-vision, tinnitus, appetite increase, constipation, flatulence, polyuria (frequent urination),chest pain/heart palpitations, shortness of breath, bronchitis, fatigue/drowsiness, fainting, loss of nerve sensation/tingling in extremities, tremor, weight loss, insomnia, cold intolerance, thyroid dysfunction, nonpuerperal lactation."

Please for me....sign this petition. I can't just sit around doing nothing about this. I cant bare the thought of even one more woman to be put into this hell. I wouldn't wish the pain I have been through on my worst enemy.




  1. How are you feeling now? Why is the petition closed? I am currently going through this hell and my body is LITERALLY shutting down.

  2. Can you PLEASE contact me? I know this post is from 2012, but I really need some insight.

    1. Alex,
      I'm so sorry that I haven't been on this blog in years...and missed your post. I'm not sure why the petition was closed.
      What can I help you with?

    2. I'm in a very similar boat, like Alex, and like you. This is scary. I am going to have mine removed on Thursday. Didn't consider the relation, until I began thinking outside of the box and found your blog. I'm getting diagnosed with something new weekly, literally. Are you feeling better now? Also tried to sign the petition but it's closed. Thanks.

  3. Hi Ladies, Please visit our website at We are trying to gather the largest group of women who have been affected by the use of IUDs.

    1. I just signed the form. Is there a Facebook support group at this time? Thanks.

  4. Hi Ladies, Please visit our website at We are trying to gather the largest group of women who have been affected by the use of IUDs.

  5. I had the Mirena put in this past February 10th. Within a week I had a feeling of a lump in my throat and was losing a lot of hair. I have been extremely tired to the point I couldn't get out of bed until at least noon. My OBGYN suggested this is due to having heavy clotting periods. After dealing with this feeling in my throat my primary doctor sent me to an ENT and sent for a scan of my thyroid. The ENT said my esophagus is swollen and put put me on Zantac and Prilosec because he said I have acid reflux. I have never had issues with acid reflux in my life. My thyroid ultrasound was normal as well as my blood work. My primary Doctor is pretty confident I am having an allergic reaction to the silicone which Mirena is made up of. I have an appointment to have it removed tomorrow. I contacted Bayre and when I asked why this wasn't a listed side effect they told me it wasn't a side effect in the clinical trial. When I asked why they still haven't listed it since there are so many of us with these side effects (and many more) there were no answers. It angers me to think I am now taking medications to help rid my body of the toxins from Mirena. I hope that anyone thinking about getting it put in will read our comments and reconsider!! I am now looking at a partial hysterectomy! Please ladies research the heck out this this awful IUD!!

    1. Michelle C - I am going through the same thing! I had Mirena in for 6 weeks - after 5 weeks of horrible i had it removed - it has been out for 3 weeks but i still have all the symptoms. Have yours improved? I have lost over half of my hair - wondering if it will stop and will it grow back?

  6. I had the same thing happen to me, had the mirena put in Jan. of this yr...just months after getting the iud, I started losing my hair in clumps and getting dizzy spells, and headaches. I went to the docs, was told not to worry. I was told it was most likely an ear or sinus infection.
    But, unfortunately my condition just got worse rather quickly. I was bedridden, unable to even lift my head off the pillow, within just 7 months after my symptoms started. I had lost almost 30 lbs from non stop vomiting, not being able to keep any food or liquid in my system. It was impossible to walk, without falling down, I was covered in bruises. Constant dizziness, blurry vision, pain in my eyes, pain in my muscles, twitching, tremors in my arms and legs, racing heart beat and shallow breathing. I couldn't tolerate heat at all. I have passed out at work, and walking outside in the heat, and once in the shower.
    The entire time being misdiagnosed by doctors, from common infections to MS...being prescribed many different medications, that just continued to make me worse. Thankfully, my sister started researching on the internet and found something about possible silicone poisoning from mirena IUDs, I had every symptom stated in the article. Not one of my doctors or many trips to the emergency had anyone told me it could be side effect from the iud, even though it was the only thing that was different in my life. Believing I was ill because of the IUD, I had it removed in Nov. and I am finally starting to slowly recover. But I'm still unable to work or drive. I'm grateful to my sister for figuring out my illness. I really think I would have lost my life if I had not removed the iud when I did. I went from an active person, never sick, working 3 jobs and walking a few miles several times a week, and (yoga) twice a week, to a person that is in physical therapy to retrain my brain to walk and learn balance again. One of the worse things about this experience is that I can not get one doctor to state that it was from the IUD. I am unable to hold anyone responsible for what I have been put through. I am also on my own to figure out my recovery, which is slow and painful

    1. Oh Joann, I'm so sorry that you have also gone through such a horrible experience. I'm hardly on this blog anymore, as you can see I don't continue to update. Things should slowly get a little better. I still suffer daily, but it's nit to the point I can't take care of myself or my kids. Praying for healing for you.

  7. I had horrible symptoms for a long time and the doctors couldn't figure anything out. I researched and figured that it had to be silicone poisoning and finally had it taken out. I'm getting progressively better but still have bouts of fatigue and I have it out over a year and a half.
