Monday, February 18, 2013


My best friend told me something the other day that I am trying to hold onto. "Taking the mirena out was an event, and healing will be a process." Days like today I feel really down. Disconnected and depressed. Every time I think Im moving forward something always seems to be thrown at me. But I need to keep telling myself that I didn't become sick overnight and it's going to take an equal amount of time to become well. I'm hopefully coming out of a "mirena crash" that comes along with having your period. This is my second one sense removal. My throat is swollen and painful, my back/hip/right hand are painful. Im having hot flashes(which is unlike me, since Im always cold.) I'm defiantly feeling depressed. Which I am usually able to fight pass...but to much stress is breaking me down. The one good thing is that my period is not as bad as I feared. It has been a light normal period. I have to tell you that after 10 years with no period I was terrified it was going to be horrible. Lol.
I got the results of my silicone test, it was inconclusive. They said it could be because they had to make a new special test for me because of my clotting. Not the answer I wanted to hear. But what can I do about that? I did come across the name of a doctor who believes the mirena causes all this crazy carp, but she is not excepting new patients. So again I feel like Im at square one. Take one step forward to only take two steps back. I know deep down in my heart that there will be a day that I feel much better, but it's kinda hard to look that far in the future.
I have been following a juicing diet to hopefully detox my system naturally and to start feeling better. I've lost about 3 pounds since starting, I still have a long way to go! I did start walking with the kids for about a week, then got to busy with life and such and haven't made it back for a few weeks. I know this update is kind of a downer, but I promised to keep everyone posted on my progress, which for now seems to be going backwards. I guess Im just all around frustrated with my health and life right now. Please keep me in your prayers, hoping to pull out of this soon so I can continue to move forward. Thank you.

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